Friday, December 3, 2021

SLU PT Faculty Member Oluwatoyosi Owoeye Presents at the 6th Annual IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport

Dr. Oluwatoyosi (Olu) Owoeye presents at the IOC Conference
SLU Physical Therapy faculty member Dr. Oluwatoyosi (Olu) Owoeye attended the 6th Edition of the IOC World Conference of Injury and Illness Prevention in Sport in Monaco from November 25 to November 27, 2021 and presented a workshop and two oral (podium) research talks.  You can view the full program of the conference on the International Olympic Committee's website.
Workshop Presentation 
Title: Making it Stick: Adherence Research in Sports Injury Prevention 

This was an engaging one-hour workshop that introduced participants to key concepts in implementation and adherence research, including research design and theories specific to adherence research. Dr. Owoeye was the sole instructor/facilitator. 
Research Presentation I 
Title: The Effectiveness of Neuromuscular Training Warm-up Program to Reduce Knee and Ankle Injuries in Youth Basketball: A Historically Controlled Study 

Research Presentation II 
Title: Supervised implementation of a neuromuscular training warm-up program to improve adherence and reduce injuries in youth basketball: A cluster-randomized trial  
Dr. Owoeye was also the sole presenter of the two abstracts above. These two research presentations emerged from the Youth Basketball Injury Prevention Project at the University of Calgary in Canada. This research work was funded by NBA/GE research grant and Dr. Owoeye was the project lead. The two studies have been combined into one large publication that recently was accepted in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy. Collaborators on the paper are Carolyn Emery, Anu Räisänen, Kimberley Befus, Tate HubkaRao, Luz Palacios-Derflingher, and Kati Pasanen

Learn more about Dr. Owoeye and his research on the Saint Louis University website.

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